Category Archives: Case Studies

Overview of Three Canadian Inclusionary Housing Policies

Three major Canadian cities – Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver – have  enacted inclusionary housing policies.  Although different in many ways, the policies share a number of key features that provide the basis for a limited but effective made-in-Canada inclusionary housing approach.  This paper describes and compares those policies, and identifies their key shared features.

The preparation of these case studies was funded by the Wellesley Institute. Continue reading Overview of Three Canadian Inclusionary Housing Policies

Summary of Six American Inclusionary Zoning Programs

Case studies have been prepared for six of the better-known and generally more successful programs in the US.   They were  selected to include examples from communities of different sizes and from various parts of  the US.   The following overview identifies these programs, and provides a summary of their main features.

The preparation of these case studies was funded by the Wellesley Institute. Continue reading Summary of Six American Inclusionary Zoning Programs